Ничего особенного, просто переписка. Разговор о событиях 16 марта 2010. Забанено 169 акков, за торговлю и обмен игровыми аккаунтами через этот сайт. Забанивший ГМ, ныне в звании героя, Trier. Наводящий, приведший за ручку Trier'a на наш форум Олeнь ака OleniPy. Sent: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:21 pm Deathbringer: Hello, i'm Deathbringer owner & admin of www.magic-wow.ucoz.ru Just to clear things: Nataly is my wife's sister )
We have here bad & sad situation. On my site we had subforum where players was posting topics about trading accounts on magic-wow server. Trier yeaterday saw it, made 2500 screenshots & today banned big amount of players.
First what i wanna say - it's my fault & i understand that (already deleted that Trading Subforum). I'm sorry that shit happened. But that will never be again.
So Trier must bann 150-200+ ppl... I'm asking you to solve this problem. And look deeper in the trouble. All this mounts since we made that site we was giving to russian players feeling Magic-wow's staff respects them & their rights here (not like was on Scape) & was asking from players to do same to GMs, Admins & server. All this months we was preventing any posts with server's buggs. On our Download section nobody can download any cheats or hacks. All what we did wrong - made that damn Trading Subforum Please take all this in account & please Marcelo unban these ppl. I'm 23 years old & you are 20+ years old lets look deeper in the current problem. I respect Trier & have nothing against him or his job. But in current situation he choose wrong way to solve the problem. All these banned ppl will start now do bad things to server & something like this. I don't want it, you don't want, Trier don't want, but he don't understand, nobody wants that.
I'm really shocked why he doesn't sent me PM & said to delete that Subforum. I that was happened i was doing it in the same moment, like i did it now. Because i repect you & you'r work. Btw, 99% of these banned ppl started to play here since Magic-wow started to work. They aren't cheaters or buggers. In first days we made the site, we was asking ppl to do not use any hacks or buggs, but report about them on server's forum.
Hope you understand what happened here. I'm again say it's only my fault & i'm really sorry that happened here. Sent: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:53 am Marcelo: Hi, I'm currently reviewing this problem, I wasn't aware of this issue until now, I'd appreciate that you removed my picture from your site pls. Sent: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:54 pm Deathbringer: done Sent: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:19 pm Deathbringer: I'm really disappointed. All this mounths i was defending your name, server & GMs. I was enjoying to play here, i saw you work & i was trying to do only good things for server. Like 7 months i was informing ppl about news, asking them to relax when server was offline, asking them to do not do any bad things, asking them to don't post any server's buggs... I thought i have done good work for server, not for money, not for something else. Just for you Marcelo & your server. I got nothing from my work, just got thousands of stress & trouble with ru gamers. Nothing else. And i was never asking something for my work, because i have done it from my heart. Today i'm just dissapointed. I understand i breaked rule of the server. I'm sorry that happened. I deleted that damn trading subforum, btw noone asked me to do that. Not you, not Trier or someone else. It's isn't serious way to solve problems like this. Banned 169 accounts... I still don't understand why you, didn't gave us chance. Excuse 100+ ppl, which aren't hackers, or buggers, they don't even did anything bad for server, for whole community, from you, from MAgic-wow server's owner was giving you something like unbreakable autoritet. I'm sad you didn't do that.
This day was really hard & sad for me. I'm not angry on anyone, i'm just sad & disappointed. It's really hard to me to kill my child, my site i have done there hard work from July, but i can't work anymore on it when ppl doesn't take on account my work. Do you really think i didn't do anything good for server all these months? Asking because i fell you think so. Sent: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:52 am Marcelo: I know you're disappointed, and it made me sad to see that many accounts banned too, but I can't do anything to avoid it, I appreciated your fan site when u showed it to me months ago, and I would still appreciate it if ya keep it up, but as the server admin I can't make exceptions when regarding bans, else there would be no point on having rules in the first place. I would like to do something to help this situation, but sadly I can't do anything, I hope you understand me and the other staff members. And btw thanks for removing my picture.
Regards, Marcelo